Hoya myrmecopa IML 1375 H280

Thickly succulent leaves, measuring 6cm x 2.5cm, in emerald green which take on reddish hues in elevated light levels.

Petite, scrambling species. Easy, fast grower. An early bloomer.

Blooms:  Tiny, revolute cream flowers with tinges of pale pink, measuring 6mm, with a high-rise, creamy-beige corona. Approximately 15 flowers per umbel. Abundant clear nectar. Mild fragrance.
Sun exposure: Medium to bright indirect light.
Water requirement: Does not appreciate fully drying out. Prefers well-draining open mix. Water less in winter.
Maintenance: Low. Half strength doses of fertiliser in growing period.
Special note: WAOL permitted. Full name - Hoya myrmecopa Sulawesi IML 1375. Rare species. The name means ‘ant hole’ as it was first discovered cohabiting with ants in tree trunk hollows. Warm hoya: best suited to temperatures between 21-35C.

Each living plant is unique and may vary in size, colour, or shape depending on the season. Flowering plants are sent when available. Plants are sent bare-rooted.

Type: hoyas

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