Hoya oreogena Thailand IML 1513 H381

Medium green, succulent leaves, measuring up to 7cm x 2cm, smooth on the upper surface and pubescent underneath. Climbing habit.

Blooms: Star-shaped white flowers, 16mm in diameter, with white corona. Up to 30 flowers per umbel.
Sun exposure: Requires bright and warm growing conditions. Flowers better under higher levels of indirect sunshine, as well as producing beautiful sun-stressed foliage.
Water requirement: Keep moist in warmer months. Prefers well-draining, open mix. Water less in winter.
Maintenance: Low. Half strength doses of fertiliser in growing period (warmer months).
Special note: WAOL permitted. Intermediate hoya: best suited to temperatures between 15-35C. Grows well at altitude and can tolerate cold.

Each living plant is unique and may vary in size, colour, or shape depending on the season. Flowering plants are sent when available. Plants are sent bare-rooted.

Type: hoyas

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