Fleshy leaf blades covered on all surfaces with very fine felting.
Compact growth form gives this species are more shrubby appreance. Flowers prolifically.
Blooms: White star-shaped flowers, measuring 15mm, with small margin of red under a pale rose corona. Up to 30 flowers per umbel. Strong, spicy fragrance. Flowers last up to 7 days.
Sun exposure: Medium to bright indirect light.
Water requirement: Prefers well-draining open mix. Water less in winter.
Maintenance: Low. Half strength doses of fertiliser in growing period.
Special note: Collector’s Number 34. An Australian native. WAOL permitted. Intermediate hoya: best suited to temperatures between 15-35C.
Each living plant is unique and may vary in size, colour, or shape depending on the season. Flowering plants are sent when available. Plants are sent bare-rooted.