A completely unique, shingling hoya which produces shallow, dome-shaped enclosures between the leaf and substrate as well as pocket-like pouches, both of which serve as nesting sites for ant colonies.
Foliage is dark green in colour with beautiful marbled tones of pale green / grey.
Blooms: Gently reflexed, pubescent flowers in a cream/lemon colour, up to 10mm in diameter, with tufted, yellow-centred corona. Up to 14 flowers per umbel. Faintly perfumed.
Sun exposure: Requires bright and warm growing conditions with plenty of humidity.
Water requirement: Enjoys being misted. Prefers well-drained, open mix. Water less in winter.
Maintenance: Low. Half strength doses of fertiliser in warmer months.
Special note: WAOL permitted. Good support required to encourage the leaves to shingle. If unsupported, leaves will roll in upon themselves. Intermediate hoya: best suited to temperatures between 15-35C.
Each living plant is unique and may vary in size, colour, or shape depending on the season. Flowering plants are sent when available. Plants are shipped bare-rooted.