Go GOTH with this incredible collector’s hoya from the dark side!
Beautiful fast-growing vine with richly felted, emerald green leaves that feel like velvet, measuring up to 8cm x 5cm.
Blooms: Glossy, reflexed, black cherry-coloured flowers, up to 40mm across, with maroon-centred golden yellow corona. Up to 8 flowers per umbel. Fragrance like peanut butter!
Sun exposure: Flowers best under higher sunshine levels. Requires bright, filtered light and warm growing conditions.
Water requirement: Do not allow to dry out fully between waterings. Prefers well-drained, open mix. Water less in winter.
Maintenance: Low. Half strength doses of fertiliser in warmer months.
Special note: Collector’s Number 56. WAOL permitted. Often referred to as 'The Black Hoya’. An eriostemma: best suited to warm temperatures between 21-35C.
Each living plant is unique and may vary in size, colour, or shape depending on the season. Flowering plants are sent when available. Plants are sent bare-rooted.